Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

Second-hand uniform

Important Message from Havering Schoolwear:

We have been working with the Sue Ryder charity to ensure that second-hand uniform is available for parents/carers to acquire. Previously they have not accepted donations of school wear as there have been few donations, and they find it hard to place; but now they have agreed to accept second-hand uniform in some of their shops. The shops will have a dedicated area for school wear. Although it may take some time to catch on, once parents/carers are aware, hopefully it will be of some benefit.

As a result of the above, we would like to advise you that the HORNCHURCH branch of SUE RYDER will accept donations of Emerson Park Academy uniform (badged items and generic school wear, in good clean condition).

Hopefully, this will enable some parents/carers to purchase good quality second-hand school uniform from the charity shop at a low cost, benefitting both the family and the charity.

Please contact either your school or Havering Schoolwear with any questions you might have with regard to the above.

Kind regards,

Havering Schoolwear | 160-162 Hornchurch Road | Hornchurch| Essex | RM11 1QH |
T: 01708 767890 W: haveringschoolwear.co.uk