Wellbeing Ambassadors
"On the 16th November, Wellbeing Ambassadors aged from 11-16 took part in training from Mr Leech (Crusaiders First Aid).
We learnt about how to be a good wellbeing ambassador and what we should do to make pupils' wellbeing good and stable at Emerson Park. Me and other year 11 pupils came up with ideas to try and connect our community at Emerson no matter what age, gender or mental health status. We discussed ideas about how we can improve wellbeing at school and feel strongly that no one should ever have to feel different.
Our aim is to improve wellbeing at Emerson Park Academy and we ae truly passionate about helping and supporting others.
This training has really helped us to improve the way we think about mental health and the massive stigma. We thank you for supporting us and helping us gain new knowledge".
Halle M- Year 11