Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

EPA Examination Results

The pupils of Emerson Park Academy have, once again, delivered an outstanding set of GCSE results in 2024.

The academic drive, with a focus on every pupil fulfilling their potential, has reaped rich rewards.

There are many individual success stories within the school results and so many of our pupils have fulfilled their potential.

The overall figures show English and Maths pass rates of 85% and 80% respectively, these results sit well above national averages once again.

GCSE success is the end of a five-year secondary school journey and the culmination of sheer effort and determination.  As Head Teacher of such a great school, it gives me great pride to see so many achievements.

The need for teamwork has never been greater and pupils, staff, families all pulled together in this monumental effort that we should all take great pride in.

In the past seven days we have also received information about our alumni and their respective successes at A Level.  We always keep an eye on their progress in Post-16 education and we are delighted that so many have gone on to rewarding apprenticeships, careers and university degree programmes.

We now look forward to another academic year starting in September with a track record of success and I am sure the new Year 11 will do equally well next summer.

We wish every pupil good luck in their future endeavours and we know they will all go on to great things.


Scott McGuinness

Head Teacher