Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

Thursday 12th September & Friday 13th September

School will finish early, at 12:35pm on Thursday 12th September. The buses will be arranged accordingly and will be on site at 12.00 noon. Naturally, for any pupils where it is not possible for them to be cared for at home on Thursday afternoon, they are welcome to remain on site where they will be looked after until 3.10pm. However, we must inform you that the buses will not be available at the end of the school day (3.10pm) and therefore it will be necessary for you to make arrangements for your child to travel home from school. (Please return slip by 10th September if you are staying at school)

Late start-Friday 13th September 2024

The academy will open from 11.20am. Pupils will be registered at 11.35am ( period 3) when lessons commence. The buses have been notified accordingly.

  • The 650 buses will depart Romford North Street at 10.47, 10.50 &10.53am.
  • The 656 buses will depart Tesco Gallows Corner at 10.50 & 10.55am.