Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

Student Voice


Emerson Park Academy holds the belief that successful education requires active participation from staff, students, governors of the school, parents/carers in the home, and members of the local community. We believe that effective relationships are promoted through consultation, collaboration and open communication.

The purpose of our Student Council is to encourage students to get involved in issues that concern them in and around school. As a council we focus on listening to the views of students and we take responsibility for some aspects of school life.

Having an Emerson Park Academy Student Council helps us to improve aspects of our school community by exercising our rights and accepting our responsibilities. Our discussions and decisions will help to inform improvements to the school environment and our learning.

The council draws representatives from each of the school houses from Year 7 to 11 with senior prefects leading the meetings. Students are given the opportunity to apply for a position on the council via an application letter to the prefect body.

 On a half-termly basis, the Student Council meet to discuss the following areas: Teaching and Learning; Student Support; The Community and Extra-Curricular; Curriculum. After each meeting the prefects debrief to the Assistant Head Teacher with oversite of student voice and future plans are put in place.


The EPA Prefect Handbook is attached below.