GCSE Art and Photography
Every night after school.
Workshops at lunchtime.
KS3 Art
Monday after school
KS3 Photography
Wednesday after school.
Global Links
Year 9 - Half-termly workshops
DT Club
- Miss Garnham
- Wednesdays
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- T3
Open to all year 7, 8 and 9 pupils who want to explore their creativity and design and make exciting products.
Fashion & Textiles Workshop
- Miss Boyse
- Wednesdays
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- T1
Open to year 11 pupils to use the workshop's facilities and develop their skills in fashion and textiles.
Construction & Timbers Workshop
- Mr Delahunty
- Wednesdays
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- T2
Open to year 11 pupils to use the workshop's facilities and develop their skills in construction and timbers.
Wednesday Lunch - Year 11 exam support and work completion
Thursday Lunch - Green Flag Club (All years)
Sports Clubs
The PE Department offers a whole range of seasonal extra-curricular activities, and we actively encourage all students to get involved as much as they can. The chance to take part in new and exciting activities far exceeds the opportunities that students have at primary school and after joining us in Year 7, we find that most students like to extend their PE experience beyond just curriculum lessons.
EPAS (European Parliament Ambassador School) is an extra-curricular club that allows students to learn more about European culture, history and politics. As part of the club, students will run events within the school to help others learn more about Europe, so its additional importance is to develop leadership, teamwork and organisation skills. Further to this, students will get the opportunity to attend various sessions such as meetings with German diplomats or hearings from the Vice President of the European Parliament. The European Parliament offers subsidised trips as part of this and this year we will be travelling to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Only a few schools are currently part of EPAS and therefore, students who engage with this group are able to help make themselves stand out from the crowd for future applications.